We donate for a good cause!

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It has become a tradition for us to donate to charity twice a year. Not only do we do without Christmas presents for our customers, but we also give our employees the opportunity to donate the amount of their birthday present from the company.

We donated €3,000 to Dresdner Kinderhilfe e.V. and €1,755 to Verein zur Förderung körperbehinderter und chronisch kranker Kinder und Jugendlicher e.V. (Association for the support of children and young people with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses). These donations enable the organizations to continue and expand their valuable projects, ranging from the creation of recreation rooms in the children's clinic at Dresden University Hospital to the creation of a multi-sensory room for physically and mentally handicapped children.

Dresdner Kinderhilfe e.V.

Dresdner Kinderhilfe e.V. supports chronically ill children as well as their parents and siblings on a completely voluntary basis. These illnesses can often only be palliated, so long hospital stays are not uncommon.

In 2024, two recreation rooms are to be set up in the children's clinic of the University Hospital, where parents of children requiring intensive care can find a place to rest. They also want to make life easier for the therapists and nurses at the University Children's Hospital's iSPZ. A mobile patient lift is needed for the small rooms. It supports the safe lifting of patients with severe multiple disabilities, e.g. for repositioning, for treatment on examination tables and for therapy.

Verein zur Förderung körperbehinderter und chronisch kranker Kinder und Jugendlicher e.V.

The aim of the association is to make everyday life easier for physically and mentally handicapped children and young people, to support them in their activities and to create special highlights. The members of the association support the educational, therapeutic and medical areas of the various cooperation partners. For example, the "Prof. Dr. Rainer Fetscher" support center in Dresden with a focus on physical and movement development, the associated all-day care and the residential home for disabled children of the AWO SONNENSTEIN gGmbH at Fischhausstraße 12 and 12a in Dresden.

In 2024, a multisensory room for children and young people is to be created at the "Prof. Dr. Rainer Fetscher" school for children with physical disabilities. In this specially equipped room, there are various opportunities to sharpen the senses and perceive different stimuli. This room is designed to provide stimulating recreational and therapeutic opportunities for all ages and stages of development.